for individuals, Couples, & Small Groups

Private Ceremonies & Retreats

We are Willa and Maya, lovers in sacred union and Medicine Women coming together to share our wisdom, intertwining our diverse backgrounds as we hold space for private ceremonies and retreats.

Contact us ~ about a Private Ceremony

Learn about Maya

CEO . Clergy . Lead Facilitator of Somos Sanctuary 501(c)(3)

Maya Martinez, founder of Somos Sanctuary, was raised in both Colombia and New York City, and has been on a life-long journey studying with indigenous teachers from Colombia, Mexico, the United States, and Brazil, where she was given the name Sakakatwa ‘Rainbow,’ by the Fulniô Tribe. As a dedicated student, she continuously deepens her studies with the sacraments, and has learned many traditional ceremonial practices that help raise the vibration of the planet. It is with great honor, permission, and care, that she shares the weavings of this knowledge with those who are ready to answer the call and receive the wisdom and downloads that come.

Private Meditation Journeys

Deeply held healing - with Maya & Willa

Our Ceremonies are held in traditional ways, carried through Medicine Songs and Chants we have learned through our studies.


We begin with intention setting and deep ceremonial practices that help you channel your inner knowing.


Throughout the experience, you are held in a loving and supportive container, where true healing and real growth has spaciousness to emerge.


Schedule a call today to see if this is right for you