Willa Kveta, founder of Nalaya Healing, is a Ceremonialist, Sacred Photographer, and Spiritual Guide. Willa holds a container of pure unconditional love through her many offerings which include private meditative journeys, ceremonies, and retreats in Santa Barbara and beyond, and ceremonial sacred photography sessions where she helps her clients embody their magic in front of her lens.
"I am a conduit for
unconditional love and joy.
A Medicine Woman of the Rainbow Tribe
deeply rooted on this Earth,
yet native to the Stars.
I have walked upon this planet barefoot
for many lifetimes,
spreading these transmissions
through the Earth."

My Medicine Path Through the Years
As a child, I was given the gift of learning the ways of many indigenous peoples and traditions, through my Waldorf education, and through my mom, with whom I would attend sweat lodges and women’s gatherings. The frequency of songs, of ceremonies, and ritual, are all so deeply embedded in my being, which I carry into my work today.

Young Adult Years
As a young adult, I spent a few years traveling and living amongst indigenous communities in Ecuador and Peru, learning to live in harmony with the elements, commune with the spirit realms, and how to work with sacred plants. I am a dedicated student of Earth Wisdom and Ancient Future Technologies; codes that help us tap into our highest timelines and potentials.

A sacred roll I cherish with my whole being. It was clear from the very beginning, that our souls chose this Triad. Together, throughout the past 16 years, we have woven a beautiful tapestry of love and trust, learning from one another and helping each other grow. In our home, we carry a powerful presence of mutual respect and awareness. It is my greatest gift and honor to be their mom.

I call Mother Earth my home, as I have lived in many places and felt a deep connection to multiple territories from the forest of the Pacific Northwest, to the California Coast where I currently reside, to Central America, especially Costa Rica, where I steward land, and down through Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.

My Teachers
My journey in this life has guided me to learn from many mentors, healers, and teachers along my path, including the plants ~ my very first teachers (along with my mom and of course the fairies). Throughout my whole life (and for many lifetimes), I've been studying Earth Wisdom, learning from the teachings of Mother Earth ~ Pachamama ~ Mama Guia. Her teachings are ever present and ever deepening, as I continue to learn from the plants, and from the stories passed down from my elders who have been passed this wisdom for generations upon generations.
As I continue the work of learning how to be in right relation through intentional communication and self reflection, I am grateful for my teachers and the many teachings I learn as I walk this path of expansion and growth, and help support others walk theirs.
I am so grateful for this path of ancient wisdom, and carry my medicine altar with great honor and respect.